“Beckley Pride will be hosting an inaugural Color Fun Run this Saturday September 25th. Registration is FREE & begins at 8am. To register visit our “check-in” table at the 3rd Ave Art Park. The race kick off is at 9am and continues in 15 minute intervals until 10am. The course is a measured 2 mile course and has little to no grade for all physical abilities. Along the way you will see our Drag Queens at the water stations and experience all the colors of the rainbow! This is a family friendly inclusive event for anyone who would like to participate. Walk, run, stroll, roll, or skip your way to the finish line! Note: This run is not timed. Color chalk powder will be used so please do not wear anything you would not want stained. White or light colored shirts recommended.
All participants will receive a Fun Run ribbon, as well as some FREE colorful goodies to enjoy while supplies last.
COVID RESTRICTIONS: Our volunteers will be wearing masks, or face shields and there will be hand sanitizer available onsite.
Beckley Pride strives to have safe, and worry free outdoor events.”