Please note - this information is updated regularly. However, for the most up-to-date information, please visit the website or social media pages for each individual event or contact the event organizers directly.

Acro Goat Yoga

October 17, 2021 @ 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm
Weathered Ground Brewery
2027 Flat Top Rd
WV 25843
KFit Boutique Fitness and Susan Bissett
Explore Acro Yoga Poses followed by fun with GOATS!
With KFit and Charleston Yoga Instructors: Susan Bissett and Jennifer Knabb Rago for a NEW & FUN Event this fall!
Bring Your Partner! Acro Goat Yoga 10/17 1:30 pm-3:00 pm @ Weathered Ground Brewery. Bring your own mat!
Acro Yoga is a form of partner yoga that brings together yoga, acrobatics, and Thai massage. It is a playful, fun but also a therapeutic form of yoga.
Tickets are $40, include individual entry, 1 beer, and a very unique experience!