Please note - this information is updated regularly. However, for the most up-to-date information, please visit the website or social media pages for each individual event or contact the event organizers directly.

WVU Tech Homecoming Parade

February 19, 2022 @ 10:00 am – 12:30 pm
Carter Hall- WVU Tech Campus
S Kanawha St
WV 25801
WVU Tech Campus

West Virginia University Institute of Technology Homecoming Parade 2022

Homecoming Theme: 1950s – Sign-up your business, organization, group our club and join us for a parade!
Date: February 19th
Time: Line Up – 10:00 AM; Parade starts at 11:00 AM
Location: Starting at the large parking lot at the corner of South Kanawha St & Mel Hancock Way. The parade will go down South Kanawha St, through campus, turn on Howe St, and end at the Head Start Parking Lot.